ULI Sacramento Walking Tour History of Japantown and Chinatown


2024-05-08T16:00:00 - 2024-05-08T18:30:00

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    Nisei VFW Hall Will open in a new window 1515 Fourth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 United States

    Join ULI Sacramento for a walking tour hearing the history of Japantown and Chinatown on Wednesday, May 8th from 4:00-5:30 pm.  Brought to you by our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, the preeminent local historian William Burg will lead us through the area's rich history.  Attendees will hear from guests with ties to Sacramento's Chinatown, and we'll discuss the impact of redevelopment.

    Following this rich, historical tour we'll hold an informal happy hour at tour conclusion.  Location tbd.

    Confucius Temple of Sacramento, designed in 1959 by the Berkeley architectural firm of Chan, Jee and Low – was funded by donations from the local Chinese-American community and interested donors throughout the country.


    ULI Members $25/YLG Members $15

    Nonmembers $35

    Includes drink ticket at Happy Hour

    Nisei VFW Hall 1515 Fourth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 United States

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