2022 Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) Initiative
2022 Technical Assistance Panel
Infill Housing in a Small Town Setting with Cities of Marysville and Yuba City
Smart-growth plans promoted by California cities, regional agencies, and other public institutions are not delivering the residential units needed to address the state’s housing crisis. Even in cities that have embraced policies to increase housing production, housing affordability remains a critical issue. In response, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) has developed the Green Means Go program to catalyze residential development in Green Zones, which are locally designated areas that can accommodate infill development.
When implemented properly, development of higher-density housing in appropriate areas can spur revitalization and help improve housing affordability. Development economics in the Sacramento region, however, are making it difficult for the private sector to build the 7,000 infill housing units per year needed to accommodate population growth while achieving greenhouse gas reduction and economic-development goals. Those challenges are exacerbated outside of the region’s core.
In the context of SACOG’s Green Means Go program, the ULI Sacramento TAP panel was commissioned to help the cities of Marysville and Yuba City to better understand the market feasibility of infill development and provide specific recommendations to facilitate housing production in two locations: a hospital site south of downtown Yuba City and an existing park site in downtown Marysville. Panel Scope is available here.
Final Summary TAP Report here: ULI SAC_Marysville & Yuba CIty TAP Recap
Past TAP Reports
Special Thanks to Our TAP Panel
- Allen Folks, Ascent, Chair of Marysville/Yuba City TAP
- Marq Truscott, RQ Studio
- Joanna Mack, Salazar Architect, Inc.
- John Jewett, Taylor Builders
- Allen Knott, K2 Development Companies
- Aaron Nousaine, BAE Urban Economics
- Tim Youmans, Youmans Consulting